AMP Series is EVO Power’s Medium Voltage Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) that has been engineered with value, flexibility, and scalability in mind.
The AMP Power Station houses up to two Central Power Conditioning Systems (PCS), Medium Voltage (MV) Transformer, Ring Main Unit (RMU), Auxiliary Power Supply to feed battery auxiliary power loads and Metering provisions (FCAS Meter, Generation Meter etc.) - all on a locally prefabricated skid.
Designed to provide Grid support and Ancillary services such as Frequency Regulation, Black start and various other functions, AMP Series is a 11kV 33kV BESS which is scalable from 2 MVA up to 5 MVA with various energy storage options.
• Plug & Play skid solution with up to two PCS' for quick onsite installation.
• Auxiliary Power and metering provision included for reduced BOS.
High Efficiency
• Efficient inverter control with latest generation digital signal processor.
• Liquid-cooled inverter technology offers optimized component usage.
• Grid-connect applications such as Power smoothing, firming and Time shifting.
• Dynamic grid support with synthetic inertia and Black start capabilities.
EVO Power supplies these cost-effective, long-life energy storage solutions with leading warranties and local product and technical support.